Monday, 10 October 2016

Syllogism PO level questions

Q.(1-2) statements:  some tea are cups .  
                     Some cups are not    copies                                                          
                     All colds are tea . some cold are water.
Q.1. conclusions  : 1. All tea being cup is a possibility.
                                    2. Some cups being copies is a possibility.
                                    3. All tea being copies is a possibility.
                                    4. Some tea are not copies
                                     5.    All colds are cups
1) only II is follow                 2) only I and III are follow.                  3) only I ,II and III are follow
4) All are follows                  5) None of these.
 Q.2.conclusions : 1. There is a possibility that no cup is  tea.
                               2. There is a possibility that all tea  are cold.       
                               3. some copies are not cups.
I) only I and II follow               2) only II and III are follow              3) only II follow
4) All are follow.                      5) None of these          
 Q. 3.   statements  :.Some pens are books . Some pens are not sheet.
                                     All books are boxes. All paper are sheets
                                     No box is  board.
         Conclusion   :  I. some pens are not board.
                                   2. some pens are not boxes .
                                   3. All pens are boxes.
                                   4.All board being sheet is a possibility.
       1)Only I follows                                       2). only I  , IV  and either II  or III follow.
3).Only IV follows                                        4). Only II  follows
5). None of these.
                                                                                                                                                                           Q.4. statements : some  banana are fruits.
                                     All apples are orange
                                      All fruits are orange
                                      No banana is Apple.
..    Conclusions : 1. All banana being Oranges is a possibility
                                     2. some Fruits are not Apple.    
                                     3.No orange is Apple being a possibility.         


  1. 2 follow

  2. Answer- 1- 3
    2- 3
    3- 2
    4- 1 and 2 follow

  3. Sir statement no. 2 in question 1
    Is it not copies or copies?

  4. Sir, facing problems in some not condition
