Friday, 25 November 2016

Alphabetical Series for Clerk

Directions (1-4): These questions are based on the following letters/numbers/symbol arrangement?
S   A  B  4   C   %  D  5  X  Y  * P   K   2  M  ©  K  G  3  ↑  Z  N  T  @
1.    Which of the following element is exactly midway between only letters falling between % and ©?
(1) *                       (2) K                (3) P                (4) Y                (5) None of these
2.    If each symbol of the above sequence is replaced with a letter and each digit is replaced with new symbol, then how many letters will be there in the sequence?
(1) 22                    (2) 21              (3) 19              (4) 17              (5) None of these
3.    If the first element from the left interchange place with the tenth element from the left, similarly second with ninth, third with eight, fourth with seventh and so on. Then which of the following will be seventh to the left of eighth element from the right?
(1) C                     (2) D               (3) S                (4) 9                (5) None of these
4.    How many such digits are there in the sequence each of which is immediately preceded as well as followed by a letter?

(1) Nil                   (2) One           (3) Two                       (4) Three        (5) None of these

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