Saturday, 10 December 2016

Miscellaneous Questions for Payment Bank exam

Q - 1. If the digits of the number 1726489 are arranged in ascending order, how many digits will remain at the same position?

(A)  None                                        (B)  One
(C)  Two                                          (D)   Three

Q.2. Examine the following statements:
1. Either P and B are of the same age or P is older than B.
2. Either C and D are of the same age or D is older than C.
3. B is older than C.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements?
(A)P is older than B
(B)B and D are of the same age
(C)D is older than C

(D)P is older than C

Q.3. In a group of six women, there are four dancers, four vocal musicians, one actress and three violinists. Gita and Vanaja are among the violinists while Jalaja and Shila do not know how to play on the violin. Shila and Tanu ae among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shila and Tanu are all vocal musicians and two of them are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who among the following is both a dancer and a violinist?

Friday, 9 December 2016

Letter Series Questions for SSC and Payment Bank Exams

        Q.1.  a _ bccb _ ca _ cca _ baab _ c
A. ababc
B. abcaa
C. accab
D. bacaa

Q.2.ab _ aa _ caab _ c _ abb _ c
A. bbcaa            B. bcbca
C. cabac            D. cbbac

Q.3. _ bcc _ ac _ aabb _ ab _ cc
A. aabca               B. abaca
C. bacab               D. bcaca

Most expected topics for RRB PO Main : Reasoning

Important Topics for Reasoning:

1. Puzzles -  Floor based and Relations based  - 2 puzzles - 10 questions
2. Inequality - 5 questions
3. circular sitting - 5 questions
4. parallel row  - 5 questions
5. order ranking puzzle/ directions - 2-3 questions
6. Blood relations - 2-5 questions
7. Syllogism/ coding - decoding - 5 questions
8. logical reasoning- 4-5 questions

IBPS RRB 2016 Exam Strategy and Time Management

  1. First Divide time for Each Section according to your strength.
  2. Ideal is to cover Reasoning & Aptitude Section first. Try to solve these two parts in 80 Minutes.
  3. Then Move to Hindi/ English Section, give 20 Minutes to this part & then 20 Minutes for GK & Computer.
  4. If you save time, then Try to answer Left questions.
  5. Focus Mainly on Accuracy, Don’t make guess.
                                                                All the Best

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Study plan for IBPS Clerk Main 2016

Study Plan for IBPS Clerk Main exam 2016
1. Practice More:
As you all know that practice is the key to success in any of the exam that you appear for. Therefore, in order to attain good score all you need to do is to solve as many papers as you can before the day of exam. You can solve the previous papers and practice mock test series as well.
Mock tests :  Do atleast two mock test daily , it will help you to get a  real feel of exam.
2. Time Management
 While preparing when you solve previous papers or mock test, set time and check whether you have solved the paper in the given time or not.
3. Make Notes
Making notes are extremely necessary. While you study reasoning or Quant section, make sure that you note down the important points, formulas and short tricks.
4. Revise what you study
Before a day of exam make sure you revise all the important points, and notes that you have made. Use the notes that you made while preparation.
5. Don’t be Nervous
It is very important to take good care of your health at the time of preparation. Don’t get overburden with the stress of exam. It will result you negatively in exams.
Subject wise important topics to study:
Reasoning  – Syllogism, Sitting Arrangement, Puzzles (Floor based and Days based), Symbols/words Coding Decoding , Input output , Blood relations etc.
Main topics of Reasoning : Puzzles ( Tabulation and Sitting Arrangement).
For More practice Visit :
Numerical Ability – Number series, DI, Simplification and Approximation etc.
English language - Reading Comprehension, Spotting Error, Cloze Test etc.
General Awareness - Current Affairs and Banking Awareness
                                                               All the best

Syllogism Questions based on latest pattern

Directions (1-3): In each of these questions two Conclusions have been given followed by 5 sets of possible Statements. You have to take the given Conclusions to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide for the given Conclusions logically follows from the which of the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 

Q1. Conclusion: No toxics are Injection and some Injections are Glucose.

(a)    Statements: All glucose are medicine. Some medicine are toxic. Some toxic are injection. All injections are insulin.

(b)   Statements: Some toxic are insulin. Some insulin are medicine. All medicines are Injections. Some medicines are Glucose.

(c)   Statements: All toxic are insulin. Some insulin are medicine. Some medicines are Injections. All medicines are Glucose.

(d)   Statements: All Glucose are Injections. Some Injections are medicine. All injections are insulin. Some insulin are toxic

      (e) Statements: All Glucose are Injections. Some Injections are medicine. All injections are insulin. No insulin is toxic

Q2. Conclusion: At least some amounts are costs. All amounts being prices is a possibility.

(a)    Statements: Some costs are prices. Some prices are amounts. All amounts are expenses

(b)   Statements: Some prices are costs. Some costs are amounts. All amounts are expenses.

(c)   Statements: Some prices are costs. Some costs are amounts. All amounts are expenses. No Expenses is Price.

(d)   Statements: Some amounts are prices. Some prices are expenses. Some expenses are Costs.

 (e) Statements: All Costs are Prices. No prices are expenses. All expenses are Amount.

Q3. Conclusion: Some celebrations are rejections. No invitation is an attraction.

(a)    Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. Some rejection are attraction.

(b)   Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No Celebration is an attraction.

(c)   Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No rejection is an attraction.

(d)   Statements: Some invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No rejection is an attraction.

 (e) Statements: All invitations are rejections. All invitations are celebrations. All rejection is an attraction.