Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Syllogism Questions based on latest pattern

Directions (1-3): In each of these questions two Conclusions have been given followed by 5 sets of possible Statements. You have to take the given Conclusions to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide for the given Conclusions logically follows from the which of the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 

Q1. Conclusion: No toxics are Injection and some Injections are Glucose.

(a)    Statements: All glucose are medicine. Some medicine are toxic. Some toxic are injection. All injections are insulin.

(b)   Statements: Some toxic are insulin. Some insulin are medicine. All medicines are Injections. Some medicines are Glucose.

(c)   Statements: All toxic are insulin. Some insulin are medicine. Some medicines are Injections. All medicines are Glucose.

(d)   Statements: All Glucose are Injections. Some Injections are medicine. All injections are insulin. Some insulin are toxic

      (e) Statements: All Glucose are Injections. Some Injections are medicine. All injections are insulin. No insulin is toxic

Q2. Conclusion: At least some amounts are costs. All amounts being prices is a possibility.

(a)    Statements: Some costs are prices. Some prices are amounts. All amounts are expenses

(b)   Statements: Some prices are costs. Some costs are amounts. All amounts are expenses.

(c)   Statements: Some prices are costs. Some costs are amounts. All amounts are expenses. No Expenses is Price.

(d)   Statements: Some amounts are prices. Some prices are expenses. Some expenses are Costs.

 (e) Statements: All Costs are Prices. No prices are expenses. All expenses are Amount.

Q3. Conclusion: Some celebrations are rejections. No invitation is an attraction.

(a)    Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. Some rejection are attraction.

(b)   Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No Celebration is an attraction.

(c)   Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No rejection is an attraction.

(d)   Statements: Some invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No rejection is an attraction.

 (e) Statements: All invitations are rejections. All invitations are celebrations. All rejection is an attraction.