Saturday, 10 December 2016

Miscellaneous Questions for Payment Bank exam

Q - 1. If the digits of the number 1726489 are arranged in ascending order, how many digits will remain at the same position?

(A)  None                                        (B)  One
(C)  Two                                          (D)   Three

Q.2. Examine the following statements:
1. Either P and B are of the same age or P is older than B.
2. Either C and D are of the same age or D is older than C.
3. B is older than C.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements?
(A)P is older than B
(B)B and D are of the same age
(C)D is older than C

(D)P is older than C

Q.3. In a group of six women, there are four dancers, four vocal musicians, one actress and three violinists. Gita and Vanaja are among the violinists while Jalaja and Shila do not know how to play on the violin. Shila and Tanu ae among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shila and Tanu are all vocal musicians and two of them are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who among the following is both a dancer and a violinist?

Friday, 9 December 2016

Letter Series Questions for SSC and Payment Bank Exams

        Q.1.  a _ bccb _ ca _ cca _ baab _ c
A. ababc
B. abcaa
C. accab
D. bacaa

Q.2.ab _ aa _ caab _ c _ abb _ c
A. bbcaa            B. bcbca
C. cabac            D. cbbac

Q.3. _ bcc _ ac _ aabb _ ab _ cc
A. aabca               B. abaca
C. bacab               D. bcaca

Most expected topics for RRB PO Main : Reasoning

Important Topics for Reasoning:

1. Puzzles -  Floor based and Relations based  - 2 puzzles - 10 questions
2. Inequality - 5 questions
3. circular sitting - 5 questions
4. parallel row  - 5 questions
5. order ranking puzzle/ directions - 2-3 questions
6. Blood relations - 2-5 questions
7. Syllogism/ coding - decoding - 5 questions
8. logical reasoning- 4-5 questions

IBPS RRB 2016 Exam Strategy and Time Management

  1. First Divide time for Each Section according to your strength.
  2. Ideal is to cover Reasoning & Aptitude Section first. Try to solve these two parts in 80 Minutes.
  3. Then Move to Hindi/ English Section, give 20 Minutes to this part & then 20 Minutes for GK & Computer.
  4. If you save time, then Try to answer Left questions.
  5. Focus Mainly on Accuracy, Don’t make guess.
                                                                All the Best

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Study plan for IBPS Clerk Main 2016

Study Plan for IBPS Clerk Main exam 2016
1. Practice More:
As you all know that practice is the key to success in any of the exam that you appear for. Therefore, in order to attain good score all you need to do is to solve as many papers as you can before the day of exam. You can solve the previous papers and practice mock test series as well.
Mock tests :  Do atleast two mock test daily , it will help you to get a  real feel of exam.
2. Time Management
 While preparing when you solve previous papers or mock test, set time and check whether you have solved the paper in the given time or not.
3. Make Notes
Making notes are extremely necessary. While you study reasoning or Quant section, make sure that you note down the important points, formulas and short tricks.
4. Revise what you study
Before a day of exam make sure you revise all the important points, and notes that you have made. Use the notes that you made while preparation.
5. Don’t be Nervous
It is very important to take good care of your health at the time of preparation. Don’t get overburden with the stress of exam. It will result you negatively in exams.
Subject wise important topics to study:
Reasoning  – Syllogism, Sitting Arrangement, Puzzles (Floor based and Days based), Symbols/words Coding Decoding , Input output , Blood relations etc.
Main topics of Reasoning : Puzzles ( Tabulation and Sitting Arrangement).
For More practice Visit :
Numerical Ability – Number series, DI, Simplification and Approximation etc.
English language - Reading Comprehension, Spotting Error, Cloze Test etc.
General Awareness - Current Affairs and Banking Awareness
                                                               All the best

Syllogism Questions based on latest pattern

Directions (1-3): In each of these questions two Conclusions have been given followed by 5 sets of possible Statements. You have to take the given Conclusions to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide for the given Conclusions logically follows from the which of the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 

Q1. Conclusion: No toxics are Injection and some Injections are Glucose.

(a)    Statements: All glucose are medicine. Some medicine are toxic. Some toxic are injection. All injections are insulin.

(b)   Statements: Some toxic are insulin. Some insulin are medicine. All medicines are Injections. Some medicines are Glucose.

(c)   Statements: All toxic are insulin. Some insulin are medicine. Some medicines are Injections. All medicines are Glucose.

(d)   Statements: All Glucose are Injections. Some Injections are medicine. All injections are insulin. Some insulin are toxic

      (e) Statements: All Glucose are Injections. Some Injections are medicine. All injections are insulin. No insulin is toxic

Q2. Conclusion: At least some amounts are costs. All amounts being prices is a possibility.

(a)    Statements: Some costs are prices. Some prices are amounts. All amounts are expenses

(b)   Statements: Some prices are costs. Some costs are amounts. All amounts are expenses.

(c)   Statements: Some prices are costs. Some costs are amounts. All amounts are expenses. No Expenses is Price.

(d)   Statements: Some amounts are prices. Some prices are expenses. Some expenses are Costs.

 (e) Statements: All Costs are Prices. No prices are expenses. All expenses are Amount.

Q3. Conclusion: Some celebrations are rejections. No invitation is an attraction.

(a)    Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. Some rejection are attraction.

(b)   Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No Celebration is an attraction.

(c)   Statements: All invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No rejection is an attraction.

(d)   Statements: Some invitations are rejections. Some invitations are celebrations. No rejection is an attraction.

 (e) Statements: All invitations are rejections. All invitations are celebrations. All rejection is an attraction.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

IBPS Clerk Pre -Memory Based Sitting Questions

Directions (1-5): Study the flowing information carefully to answer these questions.

Eight friends A, B, C, D E, F, G and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. A sits third to the left of B and second to the right of F. D does not sit next to A or B. C and G always sit next to each other. K does not sit next to D and C does not sit next to B.
Q1. Which of the following pairs sits between K and E?
(a) F, D     (b) K, B      (c) C, G      (d) E, G      (e) None of these
Q2. Starting from A’s position, if all the eight were arranged in alphabetical order in clockwise direction the seating position of how many members (excluding A) not change?
 (a) None       (b) one         (c) Two         (d) Three          (e) None of these
Q3. Which of the following pairs has only one person sitting between them, if the counting is done in clockwise direction?
(a) A, B          (b) C,D          (c) F, E         (d) G,K            (e) None of these
Q4. Who sits to the immediate right of E?
(a) A          (b) D          (c) F                  (d) K               (e) None of these
Q5. What is the position of B with respect to C?
 (a) Second to the left           (b) Third to the right             (c) Third to the left
 (d) Can’t be determined        (e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow.

 Eight people D, F, G, H, L, M, N, R are sitting in a straight line facing North. H is sitting second to the right of N and L is sitting fourth to the right of H. M is sitting to the right of F. Number of persons can sit between G and L is same as the number of persons are sitting between R and F. R is sitting to the immediate left of G who is not an immediate neighbor of L. F is not an immediate neighbor of N.

Q6. If all the given alphabets are arranged in ascending order from left to right, positions of how many of them will remain unchanged?
 (a) None         (b) One           (c)  Two             (d) Three               (e) More than three
Q7. Which amongst the following two are sitting at the corners?
 (a) N,M             (b) D,L            (c) R,D            (d) None of these          (e) Cannot be determined
Q8. Based on the given arrangement, D is related to R and H is related to G in a same way as R is related to ?
 (a) M                 (b) F              (c) L              (d) D              (e) None of these
 Q9. How many persons are sitting between D and M?
 (a) One               (b) Two            (c) Three          (d) Four              (e) More than four
Q10. Who is sitting third to the left of H?
(a) D                  (b) N                     (c) No one, as only two persons are sitting to the left of H.
 (d) L                (e) None of these

Friday, 25 November 2016

Square Sitting for Clerk

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the following questions
Eight Friends A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H are seating around a Square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four of them sit in middle of each sides. The one who sit at the four corners faces the center while those who sit in the middle of the side face outside.
A who faces the centre sits third to the right of F.D sits second to right of B. E, who faces centre is not an immediate neighbor of F. only one person sits between F and G. B faces to the center .C is not immediate neighbor of A.
1. Which of the following is true regarding C
(1)C is an immediate neighbor of F                      (2) C faces to the center
(3)C sits exactly between E and D                        (4)B Sits Third to left of C
(5) None of these
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
(1)C                (2)D                (3)F                 (4)G                (5)H
3. What is the position of E with respect to F
(1) Third to right                    (2)Second to left                   (3)Second to right
(4)Fifth to left                                    (5) None of These
4. Who Sits 2nd to Left of B
(1)A                 (2)E                 (3)H                (4)B                 (5)None of these
5. Who Sits 3rd  to the right of the person Who sits 6th to the left of of C?
(1)E                 (2)D                (3)B                 (4)A                 (5)None of These

Alphabetical Series for Clerk

Directions (1-4): These questions are based on the following letters/numbers/symbol arrangement?
S   A  B  4   C   %  D  5  X  Y  * P   K   2  M  ©  K  G  3  ↑  Z  N  T  @
1.    Which of the following element is exactly midway between only letters falling between % and ©?
(1) *                       (2) K                (3) P                (4) Y                (5) None of these
2.    If each symbol of the above sequence is replaced with a letter and each digit is replaced with new symbol, then how many letters will be there in the sequence?
(1) 22                    (2) 21              (3) 19              (4) 17              (5) None of these
3.    If the first element from the left interchange place with the tenth element from the left, similarly second with ninth, third with eight, fourth with seventh and so on. Then which of the following will be seventh to the left of eighth element from the right?
(1) C                     (2) D               (3) S                (4) 9                (5) None of these
4.    How many such digits are there in the sequence each of which is immediately preceded as well as followed by a letter?

(1) Nil                   (2) One           (3) Two                       (4) Three        (5) None of these

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Blood relation high level puzzle PO main level

Directions (Q 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
M, N, P, Q, E, F, G, H,K and J are family members. There are three generation in the family. Each member likes a different Games VIZ, cricket, Hockey, Polo, Rugby, Football, Kabaddi, Table tennis, Badminton, Shooting and swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. There are five females in the family.
K is the father-in-law of F and  likes Football. G, who likes Kabaddi, is son-in low of N. The mother of P likes Hockey. Q, who likes Cricket, is the unmarried sister of E, who does not likes Table tennis. P is sister-in-low of F, but she does not likes Football, Swimming or Hockey. In the family each female member, except N and H, has two sisters and one unmarried brother. N has no sister-in-law. M does not like Hockey. The grandson of J does not like Badminton. No male member likes table tennis, Swimming or Hockey.  E is brother –in- low of G. the father of N is husband of H and he does not like Shooting. The grandparents do not like any game expect Polo and Shooting. P is a married sister of M.
    Q.1.  Who among the following likes Table tennis?
1)      N                     2)P                    3)F                     4)E      5)None of these

Q.2.  F likes which of the following Game?
1)      Swimming              2)Polo       3)Badminton           4)Rugby            5)None of these

          Q 3..How many granddaughters does H have?
1)      Two            2)Four                   3)One                  4)Three             5)None of these
    Q.4.How is M related to H?
1)      Granddaughter
2)      Daughter
3)      Son
4)      Daughter-in-low
5)      None of these
5.Who among the following is father of E?

1)      H                  2)N                      3)K                    4)F               5)None of these

Sitting Puzzle for IBPS PO main

Directions (Q. 1–5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight politicians - Aditya, Brijesh, Chandan, Digvijay, Ishwar, Firoj, Arvind and Hitesh- are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them win from a different assembly seats, viz. Laxmi Nagar, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Nirman Vihar, Tilak Nagar Lajpat Nagar and Dawarka. Aditya sits third to the right of the person who wins from Dawarka. The politician who wins from Gurgaon and Lajpat Nagar are immediate neighbours Only two politicians sits between the winner of Dawarka seat and Hitesh. Neither Aditya nor Hitesh won from Gurgaon  and Lajpat Nagar Seats, The politicians who wins from Lajpat Nagar seat is not an immediate neighbour of the politician who wins from Dawarka seat. The winner of Laxmi Nagar seat sits second to the left of Ishwar. Ishwar is not an immediate neighbour of Hitesh. The winner of Laxmi Nagar seat is an immeidate neighbour of both Nirman Vihar seats winner and Faridabad seats winner. The winner of Nirman Vihar seat sits third to the right of Brijesh. Brijesh do not win from Lajpat Nagar seat Chandan sits on the immeidate right of the winner from Noida seat. Aditya do not win from Noida. Firoj is not an immediate neighbour of Aditya. Arvind is not an immediate neighbour of the winner from the Laxmi Nagar seat.

1.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
(1)Firoj- Noida       ( 2) Arvind - Tilak Nagar         (3) Digvijay - Laxmi Nagar
(4) Aditya - Nirman Vihar                         (5) Brijesh - Dawarka
2.Who among the following sits third to the left of Ishwar?
(1) Hitesh               (2) Aditya        (3) Digvijay     (4) Arvind        (5) Brijesh
3.Who among the following is the winner of Tilak Nagar seat?
(1)Aditya               (2) Chandan     (3) Hitesh         (4) Arvind        (5) Digvijay
4.Which seat does Brijesh win from?
(1)Noida                (2) Laxmi Nagar          (3) Faridabad               (4) Gurgaon  
(5) None of these
5.Who sits on the immeidate left of politican who wins from Dawarka seat?

(1)Chandan            (2) Firoj                       (3) Brijesh                    ( 4) Hitesh        (5) Ishwar

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

IBPS RRB Po pre 2016 Preparation Tips (Reasoning section):

IBPS RRB Po pre 2016 Preparation Tips  (Reasoning section):
This section is one of the most loved sections of the examination as it is most awarding. The candidates should focus heavily on the basics. To score heavily in this section, the candidates need to focus more on verbal part of Reasoning topics such as:
Blood relations
Coding Decoding 
Alphabetical series
Directions test
Floor based puzzle
linear sitting 
In last    Circular sitting
 Remember that each section counts and this is one of the easiest sections. Make the most of the advantage!
 Sectional Time Management:
  Reasoning -   20 - 22 minutes
  Quantitative App - 22- 25 minutes
Keep in mind the following –
  • Time Management and Accuracy are very essential for these exams. So practice as much Mock Tests as you can.
  • Use the 45 minutes time constraint while you give the mock tests (using Stopwatch or Timer)
  • Practice daily atleast 2 mock of Reasoning and 2 mock of Maths .
  • Do not waste too much time on any question.
  • Analyse your strong and weak areas and accordingly try to fix time for each section and attempt that section in your allotted time.
  • Evaluate your tests to see how you are performing and where you can improve.

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” 

RRB PO pre level puzzle

Directions (Q. 24-28) : Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions
Seven person Krishna, Radhey, Chandu, Deepak, Ekta, Suresh and Manju visit a restaurant on four days - Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - in a week. At least one person but not more than two person visits the restaurants on each of these days. Each of them is working in different professions - HR, Doctor, Engineer, Banker, Professor, Pilot and Businessman.Deepak visit on Saturday with pilot. The Engineer does not visit on Sunday nor with Ekta and Manju. The businessman Suesh visits alone
on Monday. Radhey visits on Friday and he is not engineer. Chandu visits on Friday. Manju  is not pilot. The Engineer visits with HR. The Banker visits on Saturday. krishna  is neither professor nor pilot.
1.    On which day of week does Ekta visit restaurant ?
(1) Monday                      (2) Saturday   (3) Friday      (4) Sunday     (5) Data Inadequate
2.    What is the profession of Aditya ?
(1) HR                        (2) Engineer   (3) Doctor       (4) Pilot           (5) Professor
3.    Who among them visits restaurant along with krishna ?
(1) Manju    (2) Ekta        (3) Deepak    (4) Either Ekta or Deepak    (5) None of these
4.    On which of the following days does Doctor and Professor visit restaurant ?
(1) Monday                       (2) Friday       (3) Sunday     (4) Either Saturday or Sunday
(5) None of these
5.    What is Deepak's Profession ?

(1) Pilot                 (2) Hr      (3) Engineer (4) Professor (5) Banker

Monday, 10 October 2016

Syllogism PO level questions

Q.(1-2) statements:  some tea are cups .  
                     Some cups are not    copies                                                          
                     All colds are tea . some cold are water.
Q.1. conclusions  : 1. All tea being cup is a possibility.
                                    2. Some cups being copies is a possibility.
                                    3. All tea being copies is a possibility.
                                    4. Some tea are not copies
                                     5.    All colds are cups
1) only II is follow                 2) only I and III are follow.                  3) only I ,II and III are follow
4) All are follows                  5) None of these.
 Q.2.conclusions : 1. There is a possibility that no cup is  tea.
                               2. There is a possibility that all tea  are cold.       
                               3. some copies are not cups.
I) only I and II follow               2) only II and III are follow              3) only II follow
4) All are follow.                      5) None of these          
 Q. 3.   statements  :.Some pens are books . Some pens are not sheet.
                                     All books are boxes. All paper are sheets
                                     No box is  board.
         Conclusion   :  I. some pens are not board.
                                   2. some pens are not boxes .
                                   3. All pens are boxes.
                                   4.All board being sheet is a possibility.
       1)Only I follows                                       2). only I  , IV  and either II  or III follow.
3).Only IV follows                                        4). Only II  follows
5). None of these.
                                                                                                                                                                           Q.4. statements : some  banana are fruits.
                                     All apples are orange
                                      All fruits are orange
                                      No banana is Apple.
..    Conclusions : 1. All banana being Oranges is a possibility
                                     2. some Fruits are not Apple.    
                                     3.No orange is Apple being a possibility.         

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Direction Test Questions

Q.1. Radhey started walking positioning his back towards the sun. After some time, he turned left, then turned right and towards the left again. In which direction is he going now?
North or South
East or West
North or West

Q.2.Ram started from his house towards west. After walking a distance of 25 m. He turned to the right and walked 10 m. He then again turned to the right and walked 15 m. After this he is to turn right at 135o and to cover 40 m. In which direction should he go?